EDM Option

We, exeron Korea, will always do our best.

Rotary/pivoting table

- For the processing of complex components

C-axis bridging
- For large-scale and heavy electrodes, transfer of high load forces directly to the machine structure

Cooling unit
- Temperature stability of machine and dielectric
- Constant accuracy during the entire erosion process, even for high performance

Environmentally friendlyre-flushing filter system
- 1 µm filter
- automatic discharge of filtered chips
- automatic cleaning and filtering duringthe process
- No downtime

- Menu-guided creation of CNC programs without knowledge of the CNC syntax. Graphic display of the created positions


- Connection of the eroding machine to the Internet for convenient worldwide remote monitoring from any PC, Smartphoneor Tablet PC

CO2 fire extinguishing system
- Safety during unmanned operation
- IR-, UV-sensors for all applications

Tool changer
- For reliable electrode allocation
- Various tool changers available
- upgradeable with ID-Chips

Machine table with automaticpallet chuck
- For all common systems


- Sending of important machine status messages of the machine by SMS to a user defined cell phone

Remote control with handwheel
- additional display, electronic handwheel
- Manual search into available cavities

Connection to measuring machine
- Connection to measuring machine for pre-setting etc.